Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama's link to Odinga...the REAL TERRORIST

There has been much talking head analysis today of Gov. Sarah Palin's recent remarks of Obama "Paling around with terrorists" referring to his association with a 1960's radical by the name of Ayers.

A more effective and factual approach would have been for Palin to expose Obama's "fact finding" mission in August of 2007 when he went to Kenya to help campaign for his cousin, Riala Odinga. Riala Odinga vowed to rewrite the Kenyan constitution within six months of taking office to establish Muslim sharia law. For those of you just tuning into this blog, I wrote about this previously in my blog when I spoke of Obama's ties to Islam through his family on his father's side, the Luo tribe, which are radical Muslims who mix occultish practices with their Islam. I received this information via an American intercessor who had just returned from interviewing members of the Luo tribe in Kenya who claim without a doubt Obama is a Muslim, and reported it to a prophetic ministry's radio program.

Here is a link to a news source which confirms some of what I reported in my article:

According to one source, Odinga issued covert orders for his cronies to carry out terrorist tactics against his opponents; such as threats, rapes, and killings.

Shouldn't we be looking into these ties with radical Muslims of our potential future president, rather than chasing a rabbit down a rabbit hole?


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