Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Bottom Line

The way I view this upcoming presidential election is similar in many ways to past elections, only the stakes are much higher. We live in a different nation than we did in the 2000 election, and with Iran's latest bully antics, the landscape is even different from the 2004 elections.

But given the choices we have, since the primaries, I have characterized this election as voting not so much FOR a particular candidate, as more AGAINST the other. I, like most Americans, am not thrilled with the choices.

We must not forget that the voter is left voting for a particular platform, more so than a particular candidate. I had wanted Alan Keyes to race to victory and become the first African American president and a conservative at that! But it was not to be.

However, the most important thing about looking at these candidates is that we cannot forget that each candidate carries the social values of their respective parties! A conservative platform and a liberal platform. Each has it's different ways of approaching issues from abortion to traditional marriage and the like. We must not forget that the upcoming president will be appointing judges to the Supreme Court and many of these controversial issues will come up at that level during his presidency.

What does this mean in light of voting in a way that we can sleep at night?

For me, the bottom line is this: life. As a Bible-believing American, I have to choose life over all of these peripheral issues. And sad to say, many Bible believers, whether they be Christians or Jews, have gotten the priorities of this election all out of whack. Rather than focusing on the mud slinging and the Gallup polls, why don't we focus on something that has brought this nation under the warning judgements of a righteous God? Why don't we focus on saving millions of pre-born lives and stop the holocaust of abortion in this nation? Millions of babies have been killed since the 1970's and that is innocent blood that is on our hands.

The act of pechuach nefesh, saving a life, is the highest commandment in all of Judaism, and I would argue, the highest commandment of Jesus as well. (I will write more in depth on this concept in a future post). It out-trumps caring for the poor, it out-trumps temple duty, even one's own religious duties to GOD.

And yet Barak Obama is decidedly pro-choice, a position that wants to ensure the choice to women to be able to have an abortion, thus taking innocent life. He is not only pro-abortion (let's call pro-choice for what it is- after all, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a's a duck, people! Life begins at conception and the heart starts beating as early as 5 weeks), but Obama also advocates late-term abortion, something even a vast number of independants and moderate liberals oppose. If you are not familiar with Obama's voting record on abortion, I highly suggest you GET familiar with it soon!

So why is Obama getting the swing voter? Could it be that our nation has become so numb to this vital issue, that we would rather be lulled to sleep by someone's charm and acting ability?! No! I would have to say that most Americans want someone to promise them the moon (or rather just the current level of lifestyle they are living) and they will vote for that person even KNOWING FULL WELL that the person will not be able to deliver. That my friend, is sick. According to the Hebrew perspective of righteousness, if each individual is not doing something to fight against and stop this unrighteousness, no matter what the reason, it is as though that person were contributing to the crime.

I have contemplated this election from the beginning and the issue which is most at stake is not our mortgages!- It's not our gas's not even the future economy of America ('It is NOT about the economy, stupid!') this election is about protecting life. You can better be certain that if we do not choose life, as a nation, our lives will be taken. I am not joking about this. And if American voters do not think so, they are sorely deceived.

I cannot bear the thought of standing before those aborted babies in Heaven one day- the ones who never got to play soccer, or learn algebra, or take one breath, the ones among whom we may have had the inventor of the cure to cancer, the common cold, or AIDS, yes, even those whose blood cries out to God for justice day and night; I cannot stand the thought of standing before them and say I did not do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, much less my least responsibility and duty as a free American to make it possible for them to be alive on the earth.

You can rest assure that God has not forgotten those babies. And the Bible teaches clearly that the life of any creature is in the blood and their blood cries out for justice even now. What part of thou shalt not kill do Americans not understand? Because of the persistent shedding of innocent blood, our nation is coming under judgement. I would in no way diminish the lives that were destroyed in the recent past due to natural disasters like Katrina, etc, however, what America is about to experience in the near future, those events pale in comparison. Not because He is a vengeful angry God, but because we brought this upon ourselves. Sin brings its own reward. We did the crime and now we must do the time. There is a saying amongst some believers that "If God did not judge...(America)....He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah".

And for those of my fellow brothers and sisters who are Christians, what makes them think they will be able to make a decision in this election based upon issues that have nothing to do with each candidate's track record of voting in the fight for innocent life in this country? No, I would argue that those people, by voting for a man who has consistently pushed and advocated for the annialation of the unborn in our country, are not only are in danger of searing their consciences, but they WILL stand accountable before a holy God for their decision this election day. This is becoming an unavoidable issue in our spiritual accountability. Those of my friends who profess Christ and are for electing Obama, I do not even know how they may say they follow Christ. Knowing their candidate has voted consistently for abortion, even late-term abortion, I do not see how Christians will be able to vote for this man and be able to sleep at night or conintue on in the blessings of God. Jesus said "If you love me, keep my comandments." Jesus NEVER advocated the right to kill a child in the womb. No matter what the "choice" was. He taught clearly to take up the cause of those who are defenseless.

Americans have done a good job of going to sleep this election cycle. We have allowed our focus to be taken off what is most important in this election and have fallen into fear of our own lives because we would rather retain our nice houses and continue to shop and serve the idol of mammon (love of money) in our lives and vote for candidates who seem to promise a continuance of that lifestyle, than to stand up for righteousness at the polls. We don't want to grow up. We don't want to take responsibility for our own poor decisions. C'mon people! Open your eyes and see. See that both candidates look the same except in regards for how they have treated abortion. This is the defining issue of our nation's history. Don't go to sleep now. The bottom line is LIFE.

America is in the balances according to Gods righteousness. And it is found wanting. Let it not be too late for this issue to weigh heavily on our consciences and truly affect our decision come that November night.

For a similar blog article written by a friend of mine and an intercessor, written at the same time as mine, although neither one of us knew it- please read:


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