Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow is election day in America. I for one, am very grateful to be living in a country where the people have a voice. We used to have a government of the people, for the people, by the people. But now, I think an argument could be made that we the people are left with merely a voice. Since the disintigration of the operation of our constitution in this country, via judges legislating from the bench, the eroding away of religious freedom, and the increasing power of a centralized national governement (ok, let's just call it what it is: a NANNY STATE), we are left with being thankful for merely having a voice. It is better than nothing. But sad to say, the America I once knew even just 2 decades ago is slowly fading away. Our soverignty has been chipped away at by the past several administrations (both Republican and Democratic presidents), and we are left vulnerable to other world economic powers as well as other military powers.

So at least we still have a voice. Many countries don't even have that. And the ones that give a voice to the people officially, sometimes persecute the people when they make their voices heard. I hope that we all exercise our right to vote tomorrow and make our voices heard.

Here is a link to a blog written by my friend Stephanie VanderWal Zlab. She is an excellent writer, prophet and intercessor in the Body of Messiah. Being newly married, she has written a fresh angle on the issue of marriage which is on the ballot again this year. I highly recommend that you read it.



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