Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bye Bye Capitalism! Hello Beast.....

I stand in my bathroom staring at items from antiquity- items of nostalgic pop culture documenting, by virtue of their existence, a by-gone era. Little did I know these relics- framed pictures of advertisements from the 1940's for Campbell's Tomato Soup and Life Savers, a sewing tin advertising Singer Sewing Machines- would ironically have such significance now when everything about the very free-enterprise system which allowed for such ingenuity would soon be a thing of the past.

We can say farewell to the economic system built by our forefathers for a free and independant people. In an unprecedented move, on April 2, 2009, Obama quietly agreed to put our capitalist system under the control of Europe via a radical document that calls for a global economic union. The foundation is being laid for a world economic system which will be taken over and controlled in the future by the anti-christ.

My friends, wake up to the signs of the times. We are being ABSORBED.

As I write this, possibly hundreds of thousands are gathering in protest to their govenrnment. Dubbed as "tea parties", this tax day, 2009, both Republicans and Democrats alike, and everyone in between are assembling in opposition to the radical moves the new president has made to spend billions of tax payers' dollars in trying to "save" the system, which also includes increasing the size and scope of government. But don't be fooled...he has planned this intentionally since his community-organizing days. It is a tenet of a socialist government. And he intends to be the dictator at the helm. Making it look like it is what is best for the American people, he breathes platitudes to the masses. But the gap between what Obama says and what he does is astounding. It is time to start examining the actions of this government in light of a scriptural world-view, rather than blindly hoping in its promises.

Because of his recent motions, no longer will the people of these United States of America have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. But rather, your money and my money is going to pay for abortions (including late term) domestically as well as internationally, our money is going to pay for a government that is going out of its bounds in scope as established by the Constitution of the Unites States of America, the very document Obama swore with uplifted hand to protect, so-help-him-God. Since the governement (and any other entity they align themselves with...European Union?) controls the purse strings, they control the people.

We can expect to see deep division in our nation over these and similar issues, we can expect to see more intrusive government into our personal lives and affairs, and persecution by the governement of all those in opposition to the government. Hello? Free speech? Freedom of protest? They have an antidote for that too... called Homeland Security....

Read the latest from the director of homeland security? The govenrnment is on the look-out for "radical right wing extremists" who hold to such ideals as conservative Christian values, the traditional definition of marriage, and life for the unborn. Their tale-tell signs? The govenment is watching out for our BUMPER STICKERS(!) of all things.....and they have designs as to what to do with such dissidents.....please read my previous posts about the power given to the executive branch of government and FEMA, even during a "perceived crisis". Click here to read about the recent statement by homeland security:

Do these things shock and surprise you? They shouldn't. We were foretold about this thousands of years ago when God was speaking through His prophets. Many Bible scholars today postulate as to why America is not mentioned anywhere in scripture. The end time scenario doesn't allow for a soverign independant nation whose ideals and principles are based on God and His Word..the concepts held dear in Judeo-Christian principles. No, but we do have an end-time picture in Revelation as well as Daniel of a massive "beast" who appears to be an amalgammation of many different parts. Ten horns and seven heads is the account in Revelation. This system is both political as well as religious (and we can therefore conclude cultural). And where are the faithful followers of the Messiah? This beast system is GIVEN power over all peoples on the face of the earth. See Revelation 13:1 and also Revelation 13:7 where this beast was given power to make "war with the saints and to conquer them". Are we nearing this picture even now? Perhaps we should give a balanced view to potential converts to Christianity of ALL that may be required of them when we present the gospel message? Many followers had their lives required of them~ most of the disciples were martyred. Many considered it a JOY to die for their Lord. "Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned, they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword... the world was not worthy of them" (Hebrews 11:36-38).

Again, I submit to the reader, with the recent events of the economic collapse and the recent signing over of our free capitalist enterprise to a European power which-forget what I think about it- but itself thinks it is the revived Roman Empire that we are indeed nearing more and more the trying last days before the return of the Messiah. Jesus told us to watch. He told us to let no man deceive us. He told us to not run after those claiming to be "the Christ" in Hebrew "anointed one", whether they be politician or clergyman. But to be faithful until He comes. Will we be willing to die daily to our own desires, yea, even our own politics and Christian end-time world views in order to be obedient and faithful only unto Him and His Word, His Commandments and decrees?- not taking what this world system has to offer us, even if it means giving up our very lives?

If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints. Revelation 13:10.

Expect the tightening grip of this world system and the cultural pressure to embrace it to become increasingly up close and personal. Some of you may even be persecuted and turned in by members of your own family..."Christian" members.

Please do not misunerstand me...I am not proposing a political agenda. I do not have designs to raise up a revolution of the flesh. Just as in the days of Jesus, there will be those who will be a part of such things. We must be wise as serpents in the coming days and be thoughtful about whom we align ourselves with. What I am interested in is in preparing myself and the saints of God for what is to come...and shortly. My interest is in waking the followers of Messiah Yeshua from their slumber and to see with clarity the big picture, to forsake all sins of the flesh- ungodliness, idolatry, pride. To live is Messiah. To die is gain. Shouldn't we be practicing everyday by dying to self and living according to His decrees? May you be blessed with the wisdom, knowledge, and the patiently-enduring faithfulness which we will be called upon to exhibit in the near future.

To see the above referenced article on the ageement Obama made at the G-20 summit, click on the following link...and prepare yourself to be amazed....


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