Thursday, March 26, 2009

Late in the Day

Get ready. Because it is late in the day.

Bible-prophecy-speaking. End-times speaking. Days to end all days speaking.

All one has to do is read any non-major media outlets news (and I emphasize the word non-major) to see that world events are happening at such a rate it is difficult to keep up with all of them.

However, if you know the sign posts to be watchig out for (as Herb Peters has stated), it is astounding to see how many of these world events are just lining up with end-time prophecy already fortold in the scriptures. * For more on the fulfillment of end-time prophecies, check out

That is.....until it is either removed or censored bythe powers that be, whether at Google, the FCC under the current administration and the return of the Fairness Doctrine, or some other power given to the NWO by FEMA or some other shadow government. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist, (unless you are talking about the original conspiracy as outlined in the book of Genesis). I am just an American Christian who is waking up from a long slumber of distraction and deception....

Today, I would like to talk about a new perspective in the fulfillment of the One World Goverment and One World Religion. Put away your cheesy made-for Christians- rapture movies and the theories they spout as to how the anti-christ will arise. For I am about to tell you that he is already here. His vehicle has been in place for over a decade and the influence it is exerting over our culture as well as our government is disconcerting.

Many Americans are emotionally sick over the state of the economy in our country, as well as the rise of socialism and fascism which we could see coming a mile away since before election day. This country is in a constitutional crisis right now. The quibble over the elegibility of Obama to hold office per his birth certificate- or lack therof- is a minor issue in this crisis, although it does say a lot to how little the leaders (almost ALL of them) in our country care about the constituion which they swore with uplifted hand to protect. When I saw Obama, then all of his staff raise their hand and swear to protect the constitution, I shouted, yes, shouted at the tv screen "LIARS!!!! ALL LIARS!!" How dare they treat with disdain, the blood of men and women who have died in order to protect that unique and special document by which all of our freedoms given by God Almighty are protected in this land.

But I digress....

My friend, we have been sold up the river by private bankers and by politicians paying off thse private bankers for political favors and position. Our rights to privacy have been chipped away at, and we cannot point the finger at former President Bush and the Patriot Act, for all that did was make official what the government had already been doing since the Clinton Administration....spying on the American people. Wire-tapping was something Slick Willey was doing back when a penant for the Texas Rangers was a gleam in George Bush's eye.

Now we must look to the ones who have real power in the world. Ones who would not think twice about weilding it over us, as a slave owner wields his whip. I am talking about the WEU (Western European Union) and the massive global agenda they have, not only to dictate what is done in the European Union itself, but in the Middle East as well- including the pan Arab states and...yes, you guessed it~ Israel.

Last week, Javier Solana threatened the new Israeli government under Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a two state solution or else (in not so many words). This is the first time such a tone has been taken with the Israeli government in recent years concerning an outside "broker for peace", and with such a staunch defender of Israel's soveriegnty (Netanyahu) ...the Good 'Ol Mr Huggie (that is what they call Solana) is showing his true colors. This is exaclty what he had in mind when he brokered the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace. Sound familiar? I bet you didn't catch that on Fox News. Sounds alot like the "North American Parnership for Peace", does it not? Googe that.

If you look at a map describing the aforementioned document (EUROMED Partnership for Peace) , and set it up side by side with a map of the Old Roman Empire straight from the back of your Bible, you will see that they look identical. Broker for peace, Hmm??....

They way the EU is going to bring about their global agenda is partly (or at least at the present) due to an idea called "Global Governance". I did not say "Global GOVERNMENT". This is where you have to put aside the images you have of the anti-christ taking control of the nations a la Hitler from those old end-times videos produced by Christian ministries in the 80's and 90's.....this is why I say it is already here. Global Governance does not come in like Chuck Norris in a china shop, the way we would describe "global government". No, it is much more insidious than that. What Global Governance does is it weilds its influence as just that...influence. Much more diplomatic. Much more subtle. If a nation can come under the influence of the ideas and values of the One-World System, no force is needed only compliance in local areas (a la the Old Roman Empire). This is exactly how Solana expects to gain the reigns of current soverign nations. Such priming of the masses has already come through our popular, arts, entertainment, gorup-think, evolution and it's assumptions of the origins of life, or lack thereof, which is programmed in to our citizens daily through the public school system, and of course, the dumming-down of American citizenry to where the next generation is so fixated in their toys- playing Guitar Hero, whilst they are led to the slaughter.

Global Governance is scary. It is legislation at mere suggestion. It is offering the nations of the world to join in the status and benefits of the European Union by offering them "Neighborhood Status"as opposed to "Member status" complete with econimic, trade and security benefits, and in return, expecting local, state, and nation level compliance.

And right about now, we could use some help in those areas, wouldn't you say??

What would you need in order to create a police state? Only the cooperation of local police and fire departments to comply with an overriding order or legislation to "keep the peace', and then an ensuing atmosphere of chaos and destruction, so that ordinary citizens will gladly give over their individual and inalienable rights. What kind of events could we imagine that could possibly precipitate such an ordeal??? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? How about: food and water shortage, disinfranchisement of the classes (as in what socialism brings), mass political unrest followed by the organization of factions and in-fighting leading to civil war (as what the current constitutional crisis could muster), and oh, wait a minute, any natural or man-made disaster or perceived disaster FEMA would deem necessary to institute their emergency powers which they already have!! (see article on FEMA shadow-government at

Any one of these scenarios, or a combination of them and we would be crying out begging for relief from outside sources. Either that, or they would come so insidiously and we would already be so stremlined into compliance, that we would hardly know what was happening.

My friend, we are a bit distracted. Boy, isn't that the understatement of the year?! And it is late in the day.

But none of these events have taken God off guard. Nor have they taken Him off of the throne. He forewared us about them in the books of Daniel, Revelation, and the gospels to name a few(during what's referred to as the Olivet Discourse- see Matthew chapter 24 among others). When these books are lined up in what the Hebrew perspective of Bible study calls "parallelism", one can see that the order in which events of the last days are mentioned is no coincidence. Nor is it any accident. Jesus mentioned even the order of world events prior to the end- all according to this way of organization. Now, for this persepective, I am going to stamp on many people's theological toes. For the Bible in it's entirety, when studied form a Hebrew perspective (in which it was given), only talks about ONE RESURRECTION, and that after many of these events I have been describing to you have already happened. (!!) Many warnings are there for believers as well. I won't get into the fact that the Bible does not contain a phrase called "the Great tribulation" in the sense that many pre-trib Christians have been taught. That is a man-made tradition. No, it is all in the context of Daniel's 70th week and there is no splitting up of believers to rapture some now and some later. What I will say is this....for those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart that perceives, we are already in the throws of birth pangs that will bring about the Day of the Lord (which is a day of Judgement where every man and every nation will have to give an account to God Almighty).

It is late in the day. I urge anyone who has any inkling of studying Bible end-time prophecy, to do so in the context of the entire bible as understood from the Hebrew perspective. For that is the perspective in which it was written. In order to do so, you may have to have your "lenses" cleansed of Western gentile Chritsitanity where it departs from this perspective. And that perspective does not allow for lawlessness. So put away your ideas that you can live how you want, do what you want, celebrate what you want (did I say that out loud to my Easter/Christmas-loving bretheren?!) , continue to violate the commandments of God and still be counted among his people who are separated out of the nations as those who do not take the mark of the Beast (antichrist and his world system). We already see the constructs in place for all power to be handed over to him. We even have an educated guess as to who he is. But only those who refuse to bow down to idols (remember Daniel who kept himself pure, not eating contaminated food from the king's table and who refused to bow down to the image of Nebuchadnezzar- the anti-christ of his day?) but remain faithful to the Lord til the end will be saved out of the coming deception. Some of us may have to pay for that faithfulness with our lives....not be raptured out of it.

If my writing is not concise, neat, pretty, or spelled right, it is because I am writing feverishly and frantically while my son sleeps. Then when he wakes, my real work, my important work begins. Because it is late in the day......


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