Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sweeping Delusion Coming to America- So Get Ready

Today I am digressing from my intention to write the three-part series entitled "The Blood, the Covenant, and the Last Days", in order to say something that is heavy on my heart. I also published this on facebook.

It is New Years Eve this evening in the world. But I think it is a different time on God's time clock. This is not your average "New Years" well wishes. In fact, it is almost the opposite. Not for the faint of heart, but take heart. For in a little while, He shall come and His reward will be with Him! Read on fellow soldier....

There is a sweeping delusion that is coming to America. So repent of the delusions you ALREADY have.

The definition of delusion is, "an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary."

Many people are starting off the "New Year" of 2009 looking to make-over their bodies or their bank accounts or whatever. Might I suggest a makeover of your soul?

If you are an American (I am one too), you are undoubtedly under a delusion of some kind (I am too). In Jeremiah 16:19 it says "the nations will come to you [God] and say,'our ancestors have inherited lies, worthless and unprofitable gods'...".

The Bible clearly teaches that to follow Yeshua (Jesus), repentance is necessary. And that repentance doesn't stop at your altar call or "sinner's prayer"; no, it is required daily. The scriptures say to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling".

The doctrine of eternal security is not scriptural. The one who has the power to change your eternal destiny is you. So the idea does not exist in the Bible. For if it did, it would not be written "he who endures to the end shall be saved", or that men's names will be blotted out of the Lamb's book of Life. Unrepentant sin pushes us further and further from God and it will cause MANY to be open to going the way of perdition and making allegiance with the "Lawless One", the anti-christ. It clearly says in 1 Corinthians 6:9, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals..." Tough words. They're not mine. Nevertheless, IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE DECEIVED- EVEN FOR SO-CALLED CHRISTIANS.

As evangelist Steve Hill says, "You can go to hell with a choir robe on. You can go to hell with a Bible in your hand...".

We live in a time like no other. Wickedness (the twisting of the truth) is getting more wicked and righteousness is getting more righteous. Soon we will have to give an account. This coming year the spiritual climate of America will be changing. It will be tougher for those who identify with Jesus. And in many ways, the Hand of protection and blessing of God will be lifting from our nation. Don't blame Him, sin has its own reward. We are entering a time of trials and tribulations unlike we have seen ever. Just to wake up to THAT fact, the fact that it will not be business as usual, and turn from it, and you will be repenting of a delusion.

"Christians" are real good about being some of the best motivational speakers there exists. And also persecuting those who live righteously. It is not about living your best life. It is not about a purpose-driven life. All flowery ideas. All vanity. It is about knowing Him, having less of me, and making Him known. Cherishing His words and doing what He says. Jesus said many will come to Him saying "Lord, Lord", (those who have even cast out devils in His Name), and yet He will say "depart from me, you workers of iniquity (which literaly means YOU TRANSGRESSORS OF THE LAW), for I never knew you...." (amplification mine).

I want to encourage all my friends, that while you are going about your way, making merry, joking and encouraging one another, don't forget the Nazarene who died on the execution stake just so you could be given the opportunity to repent and have new life. Take advantage of that opportunity NOW, before the grand delusion infiltrates. Repent of church delusion. Repent of religious pride. Repent of selfish ambition, idolatry (we all have it to some degree or another), lawlessness, sexual immorality, sins of the tongue, hardness of heart, greed, jealousy, following the traditions of men rather than the Word of God. Repent of the sins of your church, your spiritual forefathers, your natural fathers.

If you think this is too heavy for a facebook entry, perhaps so. But "he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches".

Only eternity matters. Jesus said "he who gives up his life for my sake shall find it". Perhaps this should be a time of mourning, rather than feasting and mirth.



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